TAILLE DOUCE – French: Banknote style engraving.
TENDRIL – A threadlike, leafless organ of climbing plants, often
growing in spiral form. In ornamental engraving design, a tendril will
be found as a flourish cut attached to scrolls and vines.

THERMO-LOC™ - Thermo-Loc™ is a special reusable polymer material
that is rigid at room temperature yet becomes softly pliable when
heated or warmed. Thermo-Loc was developed to hold irregularly shaped
or fragile items including gun parts, knives, motorcycle parts, and
wood carvings for engraving, carving, finishing and other handwork. In
the soft, pliable condition, Thermo-Loc can be shaped around the item.
When it cools to room temperature, Thermo-Loc is rigid enough to hold
the work piece securely for a variety of operations. It is not an
adhesive, it holds by closely fitting the work piece itself.
Manufactured and distributed by GRS Corp. of Emporia, Kansas.
THISTLE MOTIF – A form of engraved ornamentation. Engraved
thistles are common on Austrian sporting guns and occasionally found on
Scottish arms.
THREADER – Another name for a liner or parallel line graver.
Also known as a “stitch tool.”
THREADING – In letter engraving, threading is a term used to
describe the engraving of parallel lines within the thicker portions of
letters to create a bolder appearance to the letters. Also known as
“clotheslined” or “clotheslining.”
TOOL MICROSCOPE – A small hand-held microscope, usually 20X or
25X. The tool microscope is about the size and shape of a ballpoint pen
and used for examining the tip of a graver for damage or wear. Also
known as a “pocket microscope.”

Pictured is a 25x tool microscope as retailed by Harbor Freight.
TOP LEVER – The locking lever common to break-open type guns,
such as side by side or over & under double barrel shotguns and rifles.
The left side of locking levers are usually engraved or cast with a
checkering pattern but on engraved guns the locking lever may be
engraved with a scroll, pierced, or sculpted into a shape such as the
head of a duck or other motif.

TOP STRAP – The top portion of a revolver frame that is
positioned just above the cylinder. On engraved revolvers, the top
strap is often engraved with a repeating leaf motif or wavy lines and

Pictured is the top strap of a Colt SAA engraved with a scroll and fish
fin motif.
TRADITIONAL GRAVER - Gravers that have a blade type shape and
are manufactured in a variety of point types that include, bevel, flat,
knife, lozenge, onglette, oval, round, and square. Traditional gravers
are available in both tool steel and high-speed steel. A “traditional
graver may be contrasted with gravers made of 3/32” square or round
stock which are then custom ground to various shapes and typically used
in power assisted engraving tools.

TRAFORO – Italian artisans use this word for piercing.
TRANSFER – One of several types of patterns used by engravers to
transfer a predetermined pattern to the metal to be engraved. Transfers
have been the subject of innumerable and endless discussion threads on
Internet engraver’s forums.
TRANSFER MAGIC – A proprietary product of T. W. Designs of
Prescott Valley, Arizona that is a chemical compound used in the
process of transferring designs from a printer to a metal surface.
TRANSFER WAX – A special bees-wax mixture used to reproduce the
cut lines of an engraving to transfer the design from one work piece to
TRIGGER GUARD – The metal strap that partly surrounds the
trigger of a firearm and serves as a protecting member. The trigger
guard is a commonly decorated surface in gun engraving.

TWIST MOTIF – A type of curvilinear fretwork that was popular
with 19th century gun engravers for border motifs and space fillers.
